Welcome to 2nd Grade!!!

I hope you are in for an exciting year of learning! I am so happy to be a part of your education and I know we will have a great time!
This blog will be a way to keep our families informed about what we are doing in our classroom.
You will mostly see pictures of school happenings and be able to watch us grow! I hope you enjoy it!

Friday, April 10, 2015


As part of our Reading story, CARL THE COMPLAINER, Mrs. Bearden's class joined us in a petition with our APS/AES Lunchroom Staff. We wanted to see if we could persuade them to offer ice cream 3 days a week instead of just 2. After having over 200 second graders sign our petition, we met with the Staff/Council to discuss our reasons and questions. Luckily, it didn't take long for them to persuade them. The meeting ended when Amanda Bean, our Lunchroom Manager announced that next year they will open ice cream 3 days a week!! Now these 2nd graders will get to reap their reward for the next 2 years!!! I am so proud of them!

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