Welcome to 2nd Grade!!!

I hope you are in for an exciting year of learning! I am so happy to be a part of your education and I know we will have a great time!
This blog will be a way to keep our families informed about what we are doing in our classroom.
You will mostly see pictures of school happenings and be able to watch us grow! I hope you enjoy it!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Well, school hasn't even started yet and I've already received my first parent phone call!! :) (hehehe) Luckily, she is one of my dear teacher friends who wanted to let me know I forgot some very important dates on my letters I sent home to the students.  We had several pages to send at once and I guess I just assumed the dates for Parent Orientation (Thursday, Aug. 16 at 7pm) and Meet and Greet (Friday, Aug. 17 at 10:30) were on one of them.  So sorry for the mistake!! I also had planned on posting my class list, but I am not allowed to for now.  I must wait and make sure all parents are ok with the idea at Parent Orientation.  Can't wait to meet/see you all!

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