Welcome to 2nd Grade!!!

I hope you are in for an exciting year of learning! I am so happy to be a part of your education and I know we will have a great time!
This blog will be a way to keep our families informed about what we are doing in our classroom.
You will mostly see pictures of school happenings and be able to watch us grow! I hope you enjoy it!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Self Portrait Collages

We had a blast on Thursday creating our Self-Portrait Collages.  These were created to give us inspiration in our writing.  Each child looked for pictures, words, etc. that described them or things they like. 

Seamora Read to the Class Before Saying "Goodbye"

Today was Seamora's last day with us. She will be going back to her old school in Gadsden. We will miss her and wish her the best!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


The children worked in small groups to learn about a species of spiders. They used books and the internet site called "spider room" on the iPads to find their information.  On Friday, the students got back with their groups and took their information to write an informative text or Non-Fiction story about their spider.

Jorge Reading to the Class

I just LOVE Froggy Books !






Friday, October 4, 2013


We've been getting ready all week for our Senior Football Players to come visit. We've made shakers, signs, and decorated the halls. 

We cheered with the AGGIE Cheerleaders.

GRANT SISCO, one of my former kindergarteners, read to our class!!

Grant read one of my favorite books that I shared with him when he was five!!  He did a great job and the kids loved it!!